Viviana Hall is a poet, journalist, and clinical social worker, born in Buenos Aires, where her first book -“Miedos” 1977- was published. She came to the U.S as a press correspondent based in New York City, where in 1982 her book “Poemas del Cielo y de la Tierra”, and a re-edition of “Miedos” were published.
As a journalist, Ms. Hall produced, wrote, and hosted for New York Broadcast TV numerous documentaries, public service and variety programs, work that earned her various prestigious awards. She also wrote locally and abroad for several major publications.
As a social worker, during the last two decades, she collaborated with New York State developing programs for disadvantaged youth.
Ms. Hall is an avid traveler and when not attending International Congresses she spends her time between New York and the California Central Coast, where she is working on her next books.